I'm more then way behind on posting about Miss Kenna turning 8 months old (March 2nd).
You can tell in the picture above that she was crying and that she has another cold. Luckily, this one isn't intense as all the other ones she has had. She still has boogs but she's able to breath and sleep fine.
She LOVES to "crawl." She gets up on all fours, rocks and then goes forward a little but then moves backwards. Sometimes, I find her under things, like the couch (not completely under, but half ;) Her new crawling technique has gotten in the way of her sleeping, she's harder to get done since she knows she can look over her bumper and she'll wait for me to come in.
While I was taking pictures of her she was just learning to go from a crawling position to sitting up. She hasn't mastered this before so it was fun to take pictures of her doing it for the first time.
YAY! I did it.
"See Mom, now I'm going to come get you!"
Then, Cambelle joined in on the picture taking...
Then, Chloe!
The, Cambelle wanted to take pictures of us...
And, I can never be serious is any picture when Cambelle is taking them... she thinks it's funny! (I think Chloe and I are making the same face.)
Kenna loves:
Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star
Music Class
When Cambelle tickles her
Veggie Sticks
Sweet Potatoes
Splashing in the water at bath time
The vacuum
Car rides (she doesn't make a peep)
Walks in her stroller
When I lotion her up
Getting dressed
(It's hard finding something she doesn't like - she's a very easy, happy baby!)
Such a cutie pie!