April 8, 2010

Easter in SC.

Seven weeks ago we booked a trip to Myrtle Beach, SC... and those seven weeks flew by, and I'm glad they did. Because we had a awesome time!!

Our trip started very early Saturday morning. We had to wake the girls up at 5am, so we could be at AC airport by 6am. Our flight was leaving at 6:50am, but since my parents drove and took all of our luggage, we didn't have to check any bags. So, I wanted to get to the airport at the very last minute so we didn't have to wait long...

But we did! We had to wait a very, very long time. At first our flight was delayed till 10am - didn't really know why. We only knew that our plane was in Philly and we had to WAIT for it to get to AC. (We never thought about checking our flight status that early in the morning, b/c we had the first flight out to MB).... For now, I will be checking every time we fly - I've learned my lesson.

So, we were delayed till 10am, and then 10am rolled around and we were delayed till 12:30PM... I couldn't even tell you what I was thinking at that time. But, yelling at someone would have been nice but it would have done nothing for our plane to arrive earlier. When I think about our 6.5 hr stay in AC I don't know what we did, or how we got through it but the girls were angels. They didn't take a nap, I thought they would since they were up since 5am, but they hung with us... strolling around the airport. Now, if you have ever been to AC airport, it's not big - at all - it's very tiny. So, there were no big planes to look at or people to watch. It was kinda deserted till we were about to take off. The smart people checked on the status of our flight and didn't arrive till boarding time, so we didn't see many people till about 12pm.

Luckily, Jeff had a couple of favorite movies on his computer and I came stocked with coloring things, candy, snacks, etc. And, once we got onto the plane, the girls were great. Chloe fell asleep on me and Cambelle watched another movie.

So, here begins our wonderful pictures of our trip.

We had a fabulous view - right on the beach.

(He Is Risen - in the sand.. do you see it?)

Chloe was "ready" for the beach but wasn't too sure of it. She's not a fan of water unless it's in a bath...

I think she sat like this for 2.5 seconds... she will at least touch the water and test it out but she prefers to sit on the sidelines.

While Cambelle, Jeff, my dad, and brother played with Cambelle in the pool, my mom and I took Chloe to see the beach. (I took NO pictures of Cambelle in the pool, b/c I could not keep up with them... they were everywhere - in the lazy river, in the kiddie pool, in the big pool... they were our pool hoppers.) But, Cambelle LOVES the water, it was very hard for Jeff to get her out.

Once Chloe gets her bathing suit wet, she wants it off right away. So, I changed her into a swimmy diaper and a tank top for the beach.

Here's my dad, Cambelle, Jeff and my brother holding onto Cambelle while she jumps the waves.

Easter Sunday we drove 1 1/2 hours into Charleston - my favorite place on earth and stayed for the day and ate dinner at California Dreaming. The weather could not have been any better. There was no humidity in the air and it was about 75 with a breeze. I don't even think Jeff broke a sweat, which if you know him, is very easy to do even in 60 degree weather.

We walked down to the waterfront and the girls loved the fountains.

My parents and brother, Darryl.

Where there's water, there's Cambelle.

And where there is water, there is Chloe sitting on the sidelines.

On our way home from Charleston, we stopped off at a amusement park and again, Cambelle has NO fear... she went on every ride.

Our stay in SC was great, but we were all suffering from a terrible cold/allergy thing. Even my parents and brother were suffering. I think Jeff was the only one who could finish a sentence without coughing... The girls were coughing a lot and I haven't stopped in two weeks. I thought nothing of it... it's just a cold. But, on Tuesday, the day we were leaving, Cambelle was complaining that her ear and belly hurt. She just wasn't herself and seemed very much in pain. So, since our flight wasn't till 3:30 and our check out wasn't till 11am. I gave her some medicine and laid her on my bed so she could nap for a bit. She took a good 2 hour nap, woke up and said she felt better, but hours later she was in pain again - and at this time, she had a fever. So, once we got to MB airport I called the pediatrician and got an appointment at 7pm at night.

We landed at 5:30PM and headed right over the the doctors. We got there just in time and I'm glad I listened to my mothers intuition, b/c she had a double ear infection. I'm so happy we were leaving that day and that she wouldn't have to suffer for a couple more days if we stayed longer. We still have this awful cough, but Cambelle hasn't had a fever since Wednesday morning. So, to say the least, our trip started and ended with some drama, but overall, it was a great vacation to get away and rejuvenate ourselves.


  1. i am so jealous of your trip to the beach and to charleston! i keep telling chad that i want to take the kids there cause i know they would love it! i hope you all are feeling better now:o)

  2. I'm so jealous you got to visit Charleston! I miss it there!!! Great pics :)
