March 2, 2010

A little update about the girls.

I'm feeling kinda guilty not updating you all on Cambelle and Chloe. So here it goes:

Cambelle amazes me everyday. Her little brain is literally a sponge. She is learning so much from school that it's scary. She does an incredible job cutting paper (see below), drawing and writing. Her school is teaching her a lot and I can't believe in just a short time (she goes to school only 2 days a week) she has learned what she has already. Her favorite thing is to cute construction paper. She will sit on the couch, draw a circle and then cut it out, for hours. Once they are all cut out, she wants me to show Daddy and then hang them on the fridge.

Cambelle's speech has sky-rocketed. She loves to reason with Chloe too. For example:
She tell Chloe it's her turn to watch Dora in the car to target, but then when we get back in, you pick your show and then we can take turns and that's what we'll do (conversation from this morning).

Even though Cambelle does a great job sharing and being patient with Chloe there are some times were she'll lose it with her and others. She can be snappy and quick tempered but overall her behavior is low key. She's definitely a first born and wants to please me all the time - which she does.

Chloe, Chloe, Chloe... she's been a little tough lately in the sleep department. Since Saturday she hasn't taken a nap! That's big around here because I'm the nap nazi and everyone needs to take a nap at a certain time or at least quiet time. But, when Chloe doesn't take a nap, she gets more hyper and there's no stopping her. She's been screaming her head off at nap time and at bedtime, but at bedtime she'll at least go down, because it's dark out. Today, she screamed for 40 minutes until I finally went up to her room to get her and brought her downstairs...

And, this is what happened after 15 minutes of Dora - she fell asleep on the couch. With her waking up at 6am, you'd think she'd be exhausted... well, I think today it hit her... no nap for a couple of days will do that to you.

Chloe is a funny child. She's feisty yet gentle. She loves babies and is very affectionate and caring around them. But, the next minute she's running around, pulling stuff off tables and making a mess. But, that's why we love her. Having two daughters that are polar opposites is what I love the best about being a Mom. Honestly, it would be boring if they both were alike... I love that Chloe keeps us on our toes and that Cambelle is the peace-maker.

So, I'm interested so see how our new baby's personality will be.... A mixture of both? Something totally different? I can't wait to find out!

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