February 13, 2010

So Far So Great.

Jeff and I celebrated our Valentine's Day last night... no reason in particular, we just wanted to celebrate it a couple of days earlier. So, we went to my favorite restaurant - Kunkels and boy, was it delicious. It was so yummy, I think I dreamt about it last night. Then, we went to see the movie, Valentine's Day. It was cute and I cried at the end. That Julia Roberts.. she always gets me... I hope I didn't give anything away, but if you look into things like I do, you'll see where her character is "going" in the middle of the movie.

Anyways, Jeff and I are taking the girls to the Please Touch Museum. I'm excited but a little nervous. Chloe is taking amoxicillin and it's making her hyper/moody and have temper tantrums. So, pray that we make it out alive ;)

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