February 24, 2010

Easter dresses!

I picked up the girls' Easter dresses today at the mall, because I was feeling like I needed a bit of Spring in my life. But, when I face reality, Easter is E.A.R.L.Y this year and it never gets really nice out in Jersey till May. I keep thinking... let's get through February and then March comes and then I think, let's get through March - so on so on, till about June!

But, I was feeling good in Gymboree today. The girls were angels and I was shopping away. I only walked away with these dresses and a pair of sunglasses for Cambelle. I bought them full price, but had a $5 coupon plus 20% off! I was happy with my Gymboree-bargain - because Gymboree and bargain don't ever go in the same sentence.

I'm really excited about Easter this year because we decided to take a little mini-vacation to Myrtle Beach, SC. We are staying at Long Bay Resort and it looks fantastic. We won't be in MB that much, because we plan on visiting Charleston and Columbia - where Jeff and I went to school. So, with that being said, I'm even more excited about their Easter dresses because I'm hoping I won't need cardigans or tights. The worst is buying an awesome Easter dress and throwing tights or a heavy cardigan/jacket over it. Not like I haven't done that before, but it just stinks.

And, I'm hoping to get good use out of these dresses all summer. I always buy the girls Easter dresses that they can wear more then once. I hate wasting money and buying dresses (like Christmas) that they one time!!


  1. I just love them D.... Let's hope the temp is 70 or so. Love, Mum

  2. i was in gymboree the other day and got ella the green dress with the daisies on it and the daisy sunglasses, but i didn't see this dress at our gymboree! that dress is super cute! did you all get all the snow in your part of jersey that i saw on the news? i'm not even sure what part you live in, but some parts looked pretty bad.

  3. Hey Em,
    I didn't see the green dress with daises on it! Mmmm, maybe some Gymboree stores hold different dresses then others. But, that would be weird. I did have the girls with me, so I didn't have time to really look. The even separated C&C's sizes to some in the front of the store and some in the back... too much for me to handle ;) I like all the dresses in their size in ONE area.

    Well, we were supposed to get 6-12 inches, but since it rained on Thursday it washed all the snow away we had and it was pretty "warm" out so the snow we were supposed to get didn't lay at all. I think the weathermen got this one wrong. We are literally East of Philly. So if you see Philly on the map we are just to the right but a little down. SOUTH JERSEY - HOLLA! hehehe

  4. thanks for the geography lesson, d! now i know where to picture you when i see the weather man talking about all the snow in jersey! glad that all you got was rain though. i am ready for spring and some bright colors in my wardrobe again:o) hsve a good weekend!

  5. Dresses are too cute. I hate buying outfits that they get one use out of. I find Easter is way easier to wear over and over than Christmas. I'll have to get out there soon before all the good ones are taken.
