February 8, 2010


One of my oldest friends, Jenni, over at Jenni from the Blog, nominated me for A Beautiful Blogger Award! I am totally honored! Jenni and I used to be on the same soccer team back in the day. Way before I can really remember but before HS. Even during our college days, we'd come home for the summer and play on the same women's team, oh, to be young and fit again. We took some crazy road trips to Florida and Virginia to play in tournaments... we had great times together. So, thank you so much Jenni!
Hop over to her blog, she's hysterical and expecting her second child, a little girl! YAY!

Here are the rules:
1. Thank the person who nominated me for this award.
2. Copy the award & place it on my blog.
3. Link to the person who nominated me for this award.
4. Share 7 interesting things about myself.
5. Nominate 7 bloggers.

Seven Interesting Facts:
1. Jeff and I have known each other since 1995. We started dating in '96 and graduated HS in '97. Jeff went to USC and I went to VT for college, we ended up breaking up for 2 full years but go back together in 2000 after I transferred to Charleston, SC for a better soccer scholarship. Jeff proposed to me right before I graduated in 2002 (I had to spend an extra year in SC because I transferred). Jeff earned his Masters from UPenn and we got married all in the same month - May 2003! PHEW! Did you get all that? I just wanted to share a little synopsis of Jeff and I.

2. I am the oldest of three. I have two younger brothers - Derek and Darryl. Derek is a police office very close by and Darryl is still in college. The three of us are polar opposites. When I was growing up, I didn't understand how three sibling could be any more different, but now that I have two children.... it just makes sense. Cambelle and Chloe are polar opposites too. It's funny!

3. I secretly am in love with Justin Timberlake - well, I guess it's not a secret anymore. Oops.

4. I have an intense sweet tooth, and not just because I'm pregnant. After dinner, every night, I sneak into the pantry and steal something sweet to enjoy. Tonight, it was two humongous handfuls of chocolate covered raisins. It doesn't matter how full I am, I can always go for something sweet.

5. My mom is my best friend. I call her 10,000 times a day. Even today, I think I called her (wait, let me look at my phone) 7 times! I tell her everything. I don't know what I'd do without her.

6. My dad is my hero. He just does everything with passion. He took care of me when I was little - my mom worked during the day and my dad worked nights. He would come home from work, sleep a couple of hours and then take care of me all day. He taught me how to play soccer at 4 years old. He went to every SINGLE one of my soccer games. He would hustle at his job so that when my games started he would be right there cheering me on. I lived for him to be proud of me and I think I did a good job. I hope. Even today, we have a great bond and I can't imagine my life without him.

7. I hate mess! Messiness is the devil - organization is heaven. I love to organize and decorate things. I can always find something to clean or de-clutter.

I just read through my seven facts and I noticed I didn't mention my girls, but should I really state the obvious. I hate stating the obvious, but I will just in case - my girls are my everything. Without them I'd be empty. They are little miracles that God gave me. Ok, I feel better :)

Now for the nominations:

1. Liz, from The Reif Boys.
Liz's husband, Chris, and Jeff have been friends since they were tiny little lads. And, of course, we became great friends. She's a mom of two little boys who live in Philly. Liz is a great writer and one of the smartest people I know.

2. Tina, from The Heil Family.
Tina, is my cousin, but she's more like my sister. She was my matron of honor in my wedding and I'm her sons Godmother. We are extremely close and I look up to her!

3. Nicole, from The Shipley Family.
Our husbands are cousins and we live in the same town. She has a two little girls that are adorable so go check out her blog. GO!

4. Tara, from Durham Dayz.
Tara's husband and Jeff are friends since HS. Tara is currently pregnant with her second child! Tara is very creative and does great home crafts. And, her belly pics are adorable too.

5. Jami, from The Groff Gang.
You have to check out Jami's blog. Her little girl, Casey, says the cutest things and the way she treats her little brother is very heart warming.

Here are two creative bloggers:

I love this site. I mean, just look at her latest post. I crave organization. I think I already said that.

This blog makes me laugh everyday. She even has Fashion Fridays which are very useful.


  1. Thanks for the nod. Love ya like a sista too! ;)

  2. I've had ice cream every night for the past 2 weeks. How's that for a sweet tooth? I blame the baby. She's making me do it.


  3. Wow!! Well that brought a smile to dad's face and a tear in my eye.. love,mum
