February 9, 2010

Not Ready!

I'm totally not ready for another snow storm. I know I'll only be stuck in the house for a day (or at least that's all I'm going to allow), because I'll have to get out on Thursday to take Cambelle to school and since we got a new SUV it's very fun to drive in it.
But, I'm not ready.
Because of Chloe's awesome fever returning, we hung low this morning (after dropping Cambelle off at school) - but I will admit, I ran to Old Navy (very quickly) for some maternity dresses/shirts/anything that will fit. Chloe did well.. but she was very tired. Ok, call me a bad mom, but you can't talk until you have that stinkin' ad sitting on your kitchen counter top looking up at you pleading with you to use the awesome coupon on the back. Literally, it was talking to me.. I promise.
I did get a couple of shirts but the dresses weren't calling my name. I think I might just order some dresses I saw online that they don't have in the store.

So, going to Old Navy was on my top priority list rather then going to Target or Walmart for nice munchies and some dinners. There's something wrong with me.

On the good side of another snow storm coming, I'm hoping Jeff will have to stay home from work and hang with us. I mean, with all the shoveling he'll have to do, there's no room for work... it's all play, baby.

Good thing is I raided the pantry and I think we'll survive. Sometimes I feel like I live at Target... it really is my home away from home. There have been times were I've gone during the day and then I forgot a couple of things and then run out after bedtime.

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