February 22, 2010

20 weeks and great deals.

Picture taken: 20 weeks and 3 days

How I'm feeling: My feet are tired. I have to wear sneakers during the day when I'm running up and down the stairs... after a while, my feet start hurting. But, I feel fine! I'm finding out that I'm really tired during the girls' naps and then get my second wind late at night around 8! It's rare if I go to bed before 10PM. So, my sleep is all screwed up. Plus, Chloe's been sleeping awful lately. She's been waking up between 5:30-6am, and when I go to bed late, it's not a pretty sight in the morning.

Cravings: I think my cravings have gone bye-bye!

Sleeping: Oops, I added that up above.

Weight gain: We'll see at my next appointment.

Next appointment: Wednesday, March 3rd - 5:45PM

Movement: There's been a lot of movement in my belly. But, because I'm moving all day, I feel her most at night!

Gender: It's a girl! We are still up in the air about girl names. I have a couple in mind, but nothing we've committed to.

I've mentioned before how my OCD is in overload and it's at the peak right now. I'm cleaning out junk drawers, painting, rearranging, painting flowers/birds in the playroom... our project of painting/redecorating our master bathroom is finished (pics to come). I still have to hang two more pictures but we're all done with that little project.

But, I couldn't just sit down and relax, so I got a new project in the works. Something new and fun for the dining room walls and then I'm reupholster the bar stools we have in our kitchen... with this fun new fabric! To reupholster all four chairs it only cost me $6.99... what a great deal.

And, then I ran over to Marshalls and got the girls a BIG SISTER shirt and two outfits for our new little girl. These are the first things I've bought so far. And, it just made my day!!! The deal here was that the Big Sister shirts were from Carters but were priced $4.99 and the Little Sister shirt was only $3.99! Nothing beats some good deals. Plus, the two outfits I bought for our baby are Ralph Lauren and were very cheap too!


  1. The outfits are adorable. Of course, you NEEDED them. I totally agree. And I like the seat cushion. I didn't even know I could do that to those chairs. (don't i have the same one) I hope you have all this energy during the summer so we can do my house. :)

  2. Yes, we do have the same chairs... I can help you ;)
