January 3, 2010

New Years Eve.

Every NYE we stay in, I don't remember a time where we didn't fall asleep on the couch early or just have a couple of friends over to play games. So, this year we decided to branch out and have a Part-tay! We invited a lot of people from church and almost everyone came. We started the festivities at 8PM and they lasted till 2am. To spice things up a bit, we played Bunco, a game that my parents play a lot and they rave about it. So we decided to give it a try. Everyone had a blast. If you are looking for a great party game with a lot of people, this is your game. Directions are online and no, it's not an old ladies game, like some sites have stated. Everyone put in $5 and the pot grew to $100... we awarded four winners and they went home with a little NYE prize. It was intense and everyone got into it... we played all the way till 11:58PM and then played some more after our midnight hurrah.

I'm not big on making resolutions, because, well, let's face it, I break them within the first week. But, this year, there are a couple of things I'd like to accomplish before 2011.
* Clean up basement/organize junk - if that's even possible. Actually it started today... I think a couple more hours down there and Jeff will have his own place and there will be another playroom... our playroom upstairs is overflowing.
* Lose all the baby weight... I'm still hittin' up my trainer, but after I deliver, I'll see her 4-6 weeks after and she already has an intense workout set for me.
* Work on my patience... patience with the girls, patience with everyone, patience with myself... I like things done immediately and I like things to be done perfectly... I never let things go, but I'm hoping to work on that a bit. I think it's a good trait I have, but I need to tweek it a bit.

I'm surprised I only have three things listed, earlier today, I have about 13.... Maybe I should work on writing things down..

I wish you a wonderful and healthy 2010.... Happy New Year.

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