January 3, 2010

First ultrasound/12 weeks 5 days.

When I went to my first OBGYN appointment (8 weeks) I was extremely nervous because I wasn't feeling pregnant except for my growing belly. But, I was a little discouraged because the doctor wouldn't listen to the baby because (she said) I was too early and she might not find a heartbeat and my dr.'s office doesn't have an u/s machine. I even asked my doctor how she knew I was pregnant, I mean, the nurse checked my urine but they just took blood that day and I felt a little uneasy about this pregnancy... I'm more nervous/anxious with this pregnancy then I was with any other pregnancy. Don't know why, but I was. Maybe it was all the margaritas I drank in Mexico back in October (before I knew I was pregnant - I was two week pregnant at the time) that made me feel anxious...

My doctor did do an internal and promised me I was pregnant but I was still not happy that she wouldn't just try to hear the heartbeat... and if you know me, you know I'm a little aggressive when it comes to things like this and I told her I wasn't happy.... so she told me that I could get an u/s with he triple screening test. They didn't have that when I was preggers with Chloe... so I was a bit excited. Plus, I didn't want to wait till I was 17-20 weeks to have an u/s. So, I thought, why not.

I had my u/s on December 30th at 9:30am. Jeff and I waited about 10 minutes and then was called back. The nurse was very nice and explained to me what she was going to look for and what the whole testing was about... After I answered a couple of questions I laid back on the table and lifted up my shirt, she went searching for our baby. She had the monitor on mute so I was nervous at first, but when I saw the black spot pulsating, I knew we officially had a baby. She then, turned the volume up and I heard that little heart beating so fast... I was elated! I was so happy to finally see and hear our baby. The nurse told me the heart rate was 144.

It was so fun to see our baby move, breathe and do laps in my belly. And, it's especially weird to see the baby flip around and I can't feel it yet. The baby wasn't cooperating and wasn't it a great position for the nurse to take spine/back of neck measurements for the tests, so she had me lay on my left side for 5 minutes. She came back in and checked and the baby was still not in a great position. So we decided to reschedule for a later time. It was great because Jeff was off of work, so I went back to the hospital during the girls' nap time. Thankfully, the baby was in the position she needed to get everything. The nurse gave me tons of pictures and I'm so happy to have finally seen our baby. Yay for ultrasounds.

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