December 5, 2009


Cambelle is sick. Our first sickness of the season. Cambelle woke up last night at 12:30am crying for me and having a hard time swallowing and coughing. The next thing I knew she was throwing up - luckily I got her in her bathroom just in time. Not to be too gross, but it was mostly mucus. Just like when you get a cold and stuff builds in your throat and you don't know what to do with it, well, Cambelle didn't either. So, I'm glad she got it out of her system. She also seemed very hot so I took her temperature and she had one - 104.0.

Since Jeff is away till tomorrow I had plenty of room in my bed for her. So she slept with me. I tossed and turned all night. Watching her like a hawk, checking her head, and recovering her blanket. She seemed to have a temperature all night but refused to take medicine so she was hot then cold, cold then hot.

She slept in late and seemed a little off when she woke up. She was having a hard time talking - her throat was still full of stuff. I was trying to teach her how to clear her throat and that seemed to help a little. I was kinda nervous with all the stuff going around that I decided to call a friend for some advice and she suggested calling the pediatrician just in case she had strept throat.

I called the pediatrician around 11:30 and got an appointment for 1:30. Right before we left she seemed like she was picking up... she was coloring, playing and eating but once we got into the car she hit rock bottom and was feeling sick again.

When I saw the nurse and told her Cambelle's symptoms she immediately said she was going to test for strept. When the doctor came in, she told me her strept test came back negative and it could be viral. Even though Cambelle's throat looked really red... it could be the early stages of strept and she will call in two days if her test changes to positive. The doctor said sometimes it doesn't show up till after 24 hours. So, we'll wait and see.

Cambelle didn't sleep at all today and she just fell asleep on the couch at 5:15PM. My parents were nice enough to take Chloe out for a bit. Having a sick 3 year old and a rambunctious 2 year old, especially Chloe who doesn't sit for anything was making it a hard day. I'm hoping this sickness passes really quick!

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