December 8, 2009

shoo flu don't bother us.

I took Cambelle back from to the pediatrician on Monday because her fever really never went away, her throat was still hurting, she was very congested and she sat on the couch ALL weekend and never seemed right... she was getting worse.

Here are the facts about her appointment:
The doctor said her throat actually looked better on Monday then it did on Saturday - so it's not strept.
Her ears are clear
Her lungs are clear
Her nose is clogged
So bottom line - she has the FLU

At first, I was freaking out. Because the word "flu" has me thinking she's going to end up in the ER, but after I questioned the heck out of the doctor, like I always do, she calmed me down and told me some signs to look for just in case she goes quickly down hill.

Since yesterday, nothing has changed. Cambelle's nose is extremely stuffy which makes it very hard for her to breath/sleep. She's sleeping with me (b/c Jeff was away when she first got sick) so I'm up about every hour checking on her like she's a newborn.

She won't nap unless I'm with her, so she's been really cranky... only getting a couple of zzz's on the couch when Chloe is sleeping.
Just today, she's now complaining of her belly hurting, but so far no throwing up. The last time she had a fever was 12am.

The funny thing is that she is getting her flu shot on Saturday (she has to before the 30th, or she can't go back to preschool). So, the shot won't prevent her from getting sick, since she already had the flu.

So, now we are going on the fifth day of being sick. I'm going to call the pediatrician on Thursday if I don't see any signs of her getting better.

PS - Cambelle wore her PJ's to the doctor (picture above) and her boots. She was not getting out of those... she freaked out when I tried to change her.

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