December 18, 2009

Christmas at school.

Yesterday morning Cambelle had her Christmas Program at Preschool. I was surprised to see how much of a big deal it was because Cambelle didn't mention it at all to us. I guess it had something to do with the fact that she was out of school all last week... maybe they talked more about it then. But, when I'd pick Cambelle up from school I'd hear the kids sing Christmas songs so I knew they would be singing... I'm so smart I should work for CSI ;)

I was so excited to witness Cambelle's first school performance. These are the events I've been looking forward to having a child in school... and it was everything I'd hoped it would be.

I dropped Cambelle of at her classroom at 9am and headed over to Faith Hall with my mom, Jeff and Chloe. Around 9:15 the kids started pouring in. The minute Cambelle's foot hit the stage she immediately was looking for us... and I was the crazy mom who stood on a chair waving neurotically at her. She had a huge smile on her face that I immediately put on the water works. I felt such intense proudness for Cambelle. That I couldn't believe she's on stage about to sing with all her friends.

Cambelle knew every song and sang almost every word.... she must get her musical talent from me ;)

The best part was after the kids sang and their story was done, Santa came in to say hello. If only you could have seen Cambelle's face... it just lit up.

Santa read The Night Before Christmas... it was great.

After everything was done Jeff was lucky enough to get closer to Cambelle and talk to her for a bit... I was still back on the other side of the room with my mom and Chloe. The teachers swept up the kids and headed back to their classroom for cake and pizza. Which Cambelle told me was delicious and the pizza was very yummy... I ate it all!

I still tear up thinking about her Christmas Performance. I'm looking forward to many more...

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