December 20, 2009

Snow! Snow! Snow!

Ok, so I totally didn't believe the weathermen in the beginning of the week when they said we were going to get snow... maybe, I should listen to them more, because we got snow and I mean 23 inches of snow. For the girls that means 23 inches of fun. Jeff was prepping Cambelle about the fun they were going to have in the snow on Saturday. So, when she woke up it's the first thing she wanted to do...

Chloe woke up, looked outside and asked where Santa was... she wasn't into going out and playing in it... but I tried.

Luckily, my parents bought the girls, hats, boots, snowsuits, and jackets (in November) for Christmas, so we ran over there Friday night to pick up everything. Thanks Grams and Poppy.

Here they are, ready to go!

Once we hit the end of the garage Chloe stopped in her tracks and wanted to go back inside immediately. She didn't even want to stand and watch Cambelle. So, I think she was outside for a total of 2 minutes... just enough to get these two pictures.

Cambelle was outside for about 30 minutes with Jeff. She had tons of fun. It was really windy and bitter cold... so I think it was enough for her.

After all the fun in the snow, the girls and I made 2 dozen cupcakes for church (that ended up being cancelled, so now I'm eating them all)

Cambelle is putting sprinkles on and Chloe is licking the icing off the knife.

These pictures were taking today (Sunday). It really looks pretty now, but it took Jeff 2.5 hours to shovel the driveway so I'm sure he'll disagree ;)

We had an awesome weekend relaxing, spending time together and eating all 24 cupcakes.

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