November 28, 2009


Our Thanksgiving could not have been more relaxing. And, I was slacking on taking pictures, that's how relaxed I was. But here are a few of our wonderful day.

In the morning, we just hung out at home. We flipped between the Philly Parade and Macy's Parade and I think the girls preferred the Macy's parade because they saw Yo Gabba Gabba, Mickey Mouse, Minnie Mouse, Ronald McDonald and others that they love.

After the girls took their naps we headed over to my parents for dinner. The girls played with my cousin Brianna and her friend, Anna.

The girls enjoying their turkey-less dinner. They ate corn, potatoes, rolls and oranges.

Chloe was more into the ceiling fan then our picture being taken.

Jeff and I are truly blessed to have these two little girls in our lives. I'm thankful for God choosing me to be a mother, but I'm more thankful for God choosing me to be THEIR mom.

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