November 28, 2009

Cake time/2 year facts.

Wednesday was Chloe's 2nd birthday and she was pretty confused about the whole thing. Every time I said "Happy Birthday" to her she would yell, NO! I think she thought her party on Saturday was her birthday. Poor thing... but we had a great day. We didn't do too much, since I couldn't leave the house because we had a painter here and I had a lot of baking to do for Thanksgiving. But, we had have a special dinner at Friendly's with Aunt Chelle, Uncle Matt, Gia, Kaylee and Mackie. Then, after dinner we celebrated back at the house with a Cold Stone pie! Yummy! My parents and Uncle Darryl joined the festivities.

Singing Happy Birthday.

Kaylee was helping Chloe blow out the candles.

Chloe is an extremely fun child. She loves to hug people and give kisses. She loves everyone in her family and speaks about them constantly. She loves to cuddle but only if she has her blankie. She's at the "lovey" stage where she needs to have her "lovies" at all times. Blankie is always the 1st choice, but then she'll choose between her doggie, Blue, bunny, Uniqua or kitty.

She's a great sleeper. Sleeps from 7:30Pm-7:30am and still takes about a two hour nap in the afternoon 1pm-3pm. When she sleeps, her blankie needs to be silky side down and she likes to have at least one other lovie in the mix.

Even though she loves people and loves to be play with other kids, she sometimes is hesitant at first when we meet or join a new group. It takes her a while at parties to warm up to others, but once she's hot she's ready to go on her own.

She likes me to put her to bed. Jeff can only put her to bed if I'm not home, which is close to never. She goes to me when she has a boo boo or needs something. But, goes to Jeff when she wants to play or is hyper ;)

Chloe's speech is getting better. She's learning new words everyday and uses them correctly. She still prefers to moan and point at something, because it's easier, but I make her use her words before I give something to her. Which is helping a lot.

Chloe loves to sign. Her favorite song to sign is Moon, Moon, Moon by Laurie Berkner. She also knows all her ABC's and loves to sing that song. And sometimes I'll hear her sing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star.

Cambelle and Chloe have a remarkable relationship. They hardly ever fight over anything and if they do, Cambelle will give in and be the bigger sister. They are lovable little girls and I love watching them respect and love each other.

Chloe went to the pediatrician on Friday and weighed in at 27.6 pounds (more then Cambelle). She did great. She let the doctor listen to her heart, look in her ears and in her mouth. When the doctor looked into her mouth she said, "Ahhhhhh." It was so funny. I think using the doctors kit we have at home has helped them with all their doctors appointments.

Of course, while waiting, Chloe thought it would be awesome to poop in her diaper. Even though we changed her, the little room became a stink bomb very quickly. I was embarrassed when the doctor came in, but she didn't seem to mind... but I sure did. It burned my eyes.

Chloe got three shots, including her flu, and did wonderfully. She cried a little bit, but we quickly got her dressed and then we were out of there. Within minutes on the road she was out cold. We took the girls to McDonald's for lunch and with the first whiff of a french fry, Chloe was all better.

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