November 12, 2009


Cambelle's been really affectionate lately. She told me on Tuesday, when I picked her up from school, that she wants to go home and cuddle with me. And she's been telling me she loves me almost every hour during the day. I'm loving it...

Cambelle's also been taking this "love phase" out on Chloe. She's been really patient with her - showing her out to play certain games, hugging her, kissing her, sharing with her and just being really lovey with her.

I honestly think, that Cambelle's school is showing her different ways to show your love for someone. Since starting school, I've noticed a big change in Cambelle behavior, not that she was ever a crazy child, but her behavior is more tempered, low key, selfless, and compassionate.

I can definitely get used to the hugs and kisses.

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