August 31, 2009

picnic in the park on a perfect day.

This morning I met my cousin, Tina, and her three children at the park. It's a gorgeous day out and at first we were going to cancel. It was very cloudy and a chance of rain but we decided to meet anyways and if it did rain, then we'd just go to Target or something... but thank goodness it didn't. The kids had a ball and after 2 1/2 hours at the park, they were exhausted.

Miss Camryn

Chloe stealing Puffs from Camryn.

"See, Mom, I even pick up the ones on the floor."

Cambelle, Connor and Emily.

I put Cambelle in pants and a jacket that matched because she was complaining all morning that she was cold (even inside) so I dressed her for a blizzard...
But half way through it got warmer out, so off the jacket went and she sported an awesome over-sized tank with her very long terry-cloth pants. She was stylin'.

Lunch time was the highlight of the morning except for the awful bees that kept following us. We even moved our table once and they still followed us. It wasn't even that hot out... So Tina and I swatted while the kids ate.

AH! This weather is great... I'm looking forward to cooler weather, but I know that really doesn't happen till much later... but the break from the heat is helping. I did realize this morning that the girls are in desperate need of some fall clothes. It took me twice as long to get them dressed because I was searching for just one pair of pants... I guess I'll be hitting the stores sooner then later.

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