August 28, 2009

what a week.

I thought after we took Cambelle to the ER on Monday we were free of any more injuries.... Well, not quite! Chloe took a horrible spill in the kitchen Tuesday night. She was playing with the hula hoop and some how got herself all tied up and fell right down on her mouth - it's what stopped her fall. There was blood everywhere, 10 times more than Cambelle's gash. Chloe's two front teeth went right into her lip and ever since she's been having trouble eating, drinking milk, juice and even talking. She constantly is grabbing at her lip thinking it's something she can take off.... She won't let me take her pacifier out of her mouth and she's a drooling queen... hence no shirt below. On Wednesday, I wiped her mouth after lunch and she started bleeding AGAIN! The worst part was that she wouldn't stop crying so the blood was just dripping out of her mouth and she wasn't swallowing. My favorite is when her mouth is full of blood and she blows a raspberry and she sprays blood all of me... holla!

And, on top of all of that Cambelle's been constipated for four days. Before Sunday she was a little constipated but then would have a BM and feel better. So, I called the pediatrician last night because her tummy was hard. They told me it's common with potty training and that I need to give her an enema and if that doesn't work then Miralax. I think I might try the Miralix first since she's pooped twice since calling the doctor. Also, I'm giving her prune juice, apple juice, Benefiber and Pedilax tablets. You'd think she'd poop with just all that in her system.

Plus, she's crying all the time and complaining her belly hurts... My poor girls, they are wounded... I'm hoping for a better weekend and better week! Happy Friday!


  1. Oh my gosh how awful :( Hope everything gets back to normal soon. At least Chloe did chip her tooth like Aaron when his mouth broke a fall ;)

  2. :o( i am praying that you have an injury free weekend and much better week next week! give those girls some smooches for me! xoxoxox
