July 29, 2009

Cambelle's three year check up.

This morning we took Cambelle to her 3 year check up. I know she turned three in June, but we couldn't make the appointment till it was exactly a year from her two year check up. Which I had last year on July 29th. I have no idea why I did that... so here we are. One month later... getting checked on...

I am so proud of Cambelle. She walked right on in, took her flip-flops off, got measured, weighed and blood pressure checked. She was giddy, talking to the nurse... and was cool as a cucumber.

The doctor and I talked about her results from her procedure that was done in April, her weight, and her development. She has grown three inches, and now weighs 24 pounds (3rd percentile - she's now ON the chart). Which, the doctor was very happy to see. She's still a peanut... but I think we are all chalking it up to genetics. I was 22 pounds when I was three... so I think we feel a sense of relief that she's getting all the nutrients she needs, she's JUST small. Cambelle told the doctor what she likes to do: play on the play set, color, draw, ride the horsies on the boardwalk and be a big sister. The doctor was talking to her about starting school (which I thought was cute) and about safety around the house - no street, wearing her helmet when she's riding her bike etc. So, for now, I think we are staying put with following up with her GI doctor. She should have another scope in October, that I think we may pass on... we'll see! Everything turned out great until the doctor said, "shot!" Cambelle caught on quickly and started to cry in Jeff's arms...

Here she is at home... She's been very mellow, telling Chloe she has a boo boo and she only got ONE shot, not two. I thought she was caught up on her shots, but I was wrong... I usually tell her before, so I feel horrible that I gave her no heads up.

She hasn't moved from the couch in two hours and won't move her arm. She took some medicine and is now up for her nap... I hope she sleeps it off!

AND - Just in case you wanted to know what Chloe's been up to... she's still climbing up on the kitchen table...

and stealing my tea from the table to drink some of it. She's been a little off this morning too, I'm not sure if she knows Cambelle got a shot, but she's acting like she did too. Hey, maybe they are twins!


  1. i love catching up on what your girls are doing...so does ella! she wants more videos:o)
