April 14, 2009

recovered well.

Cambelle's procedure went really well. Her doctor didn't find anything abnormal and everything looked great. I just have to call the doctors office in two weeks to see what the results are (food allergy or not). When the nurse came to get Jeff and I, Cambelle was still asleep, it took about 15 minutes for her to come to. And when she was finally awake she was irritated and groggy. She was asking to leave immediately but the nurse still had to take her IV out and we needed to sign some papers. We spoke to the doctor and she gave us "fun" pictures of Cambelle's colon and esophagus... in color, so they were pretty gross.

Jeff ran to get the car and I got her dressed and we were outta there. She was very sleepy but seemed OK. Only 5 minutes into our car ride home and she fell asleep. Even the smell of McDonald's didn't wake her up. 

She wasn't herself till about 3PM when she woke up from her nap and had something to eat. And then...

...she was back to normal, shopping and making us laugh. After we all took a nap I ran to Old Navy and Bed Bath and Beyond with my mom, and Cambelle really wanted to go, so we let her. I thought some fresh air would do her some good, and a bright orange bouncy ball! Thank you everyone for your prayers. Cambelle is a trooper and she did a great job. Hopefully soon we'll find out (if there are any) some answers to her belly issues.


  1. i am so glad that things went well today, Danielle. I cried reading about when they put her under... I can't imagine how tough that must have been. I love you guys!

  2. Yeah, that is good news. She is so precious. You did a great job being strong for her.

  3. A fancy hat and an orange ball does make everything better. I'm so glad she's back to herself again!

  4. I'm so glad things went well! THat picture of her laying on the hospital bed makes me want to cry!
