May 20, 2009

three amigos at the park.

This morning I picked Emma up and I took the three girls to a local park. It was a gorgeous day out and the girls had a blast. 

I have never gotten so many looks... people asking me if all three were mine... too funny! Emma is very easy for me so she just went with the flow and played on everything. 

The girls were fascinated by these two old men trying to fly a kite for their grandchildren. It was hilarious watching them and the girls just followed them around... 

After some time at the playground I took the girls to see the duckies. I seriously, am afraid of the geese. I don't know what they'll do... attack? waddle away? So, I just stay as far as I can, but Cambelle and Emma wanted to get closer... right after I took this picture I swooped them up like my little ducklings, because the geese were getting too friendly. 

And, then a DD break!

What is this foreign object under by chin? Hello double chin... where have you been hiding... I don't miss you, so please go back to where you belong... I've worked hard for you to be gone... so be gone with you!!!

And, that ladies and gentlemen is the end to our wonderful day... 

1 comment:

  1. Love the pics, especially the one with the girls stalking the old men with kites! Thanks for taking Emma, she loved going! You're the best!
