May 20, 2009

three hour sickness.

After our outing to the park today Cambelle was complaining her belly hurt... and these days I do take it seriously, but there's nothing I can do for her (she is getting medicine very soon). But, when she woke up from her nap she had a fever of 100.3 and was very hot and flushed. She laid on the couch all afternoon and wanted me to do the same. But, with Chloe running around it was hard for me to sit and cuddle with her. So, I called Jeff at work and asked him to come home early and he was home within 30 minutes. When it was dinner time this is what she asked for - peanut butter crackers and Quakes. Whatever makes her feel better.. and it did the trick, her fever broke and she was as good as new. She's still complaining her belly hurts, but is definitely a lot better. I've never heard of a fever come and leave so quickly. I just hope it stays gone... 


  1. I am glad she is feeling better.. Her plate looks yummy!! Mum

  2. oooohhh, avey has this now! i wish hers only lasted a few hours, but we are on day 3 :0(
