May 18, 2009

our second child.

Here's a little update on Chloe:

Chloe has been pronouncing a lot of words lately:
~ No - that's a shocker.
~ Yes (es)
~ Cambelle (ambelle)
~ Cheese (ease)
~ Please (ees)
~ Thank you (u)
~ Ball 
~ Balloon (boon)
~ Daddy 
~ Mommy (da da- yep, that's right... she doesn't know who I am :)

Chloe definitely acts older then she thinks she is. I guess having an older sister helps. But, she just seems older to me then Cambelle did at that age. She does a lot more and says a lot more then Cambelle did. If you give her any direction, she'll do it for you - get the diapers, close the door, pick up your toys, hug Cambelle, give kisses and many more.

Chloe is a funny child. She needs attention at all times, but loves to be independent. It's rare if she ever plays by herself, but once she does, she wants to be left alone. She likes to sleep during the day, but prefers to be up all night. She hates TV, unless Baby Praise, Dora or Blue are on. She doesn't want to be held, unless she gets hurt or was yelled at by Daddy. She loves milk, but only in a bottle. She prefers to be naked rather then dressed. Still hates diaper changes, but hates to sit in a poopie diaper. She's very random, never predictable, totally herself, and we love her. 

1 comment:

  1. All those things you said... This is why we love her, mum
