May 4, 2009

creatures of habit.

We are definitely creatures of habit around here. Nothing really has changed:

Chloe still climbs up on the table, steals Cambelle's juice cup and prefers to wear only her onsie and socks. Hot stuff! I've decided if I can't beat em'- join em'. So, while she's up there enjoying her alone time, I'll throw food at her and let her eat snacks up there... (do I need to insert j/k here? or do you know I'm really kidding?)

The boogs are still in effect in Chloe's nose. They've been "hanging" around for weeks. They just don't want to go anywhere... But, she does sport them well. It kinda brings character to her already spunky personality. Chloe without boogs is like a garden without flowers. 

I have some new obsessions that I'd like to come clean about:

The playroom. The playroom has to be cleaned when the girls are in for their naps and definitely after they go to bed. If it's not, I'll come down and clean it, I don't care what time it is... I'll do it! Ok...Ok, it's not a NEW obsession, it's an old one, but let's just say I'm more anal about it more now!

Cambelle. Yep, I'm obsessing over Cambelle's habits. Her pacifier is out of control. I'll make another confession - it's in her mouth A LOT! But, I do draw the line when we are out in public, over at a friends house, well, anywhere but the house. Also, I'm determined to get her potty trained in the next couple of weeks. For a while she was "all about the potty." I even went out and bought her new panties and a new potty. I think I say the words, potty, panties, please, poop, pee pee, and push more then I say "no." 

Ah ha! And the latest obsession is the one and only Ms. Jillian or as I like to call her "mean ole' lady with nice abs." Actually, she's probably the same age as me, but since she's done so much in her life, I consider her old. I think I'd rather give birth to a 20 pound baby then go through 29 more days of her

But, I thought wearing this t-shirt would give me the stamina I'd need... but nope. Instead of me showing her, she showed me. I mean, I go to the gym, I have a personal trainer, I've lost weight, how hard could this be? HARD! But, it's worth every penny... 

I think I need to end this post, because I can hardly type.. I'm in too much pain!


  1. jillian is the devil. i HATE those chair squat arm-v raise things on the last strength circuit of level II. keep it up!

  2. Yes, I know... they're awful... but, I'm not giving up... I'll show her ;)
