May 4, 2009


I can't believe I'm posting this picture, but it's worth writing about. Here's what I said to her/went through my head:

- Cambelle, what are you doing with your shirt?
- Oh, that's nice your giving your baby hugs.
- Oh wait, your not giving hugs... 
- Cambelle, what are you doing?
 * she then responded, I'm feeding my baby.

Thanks to Aunt Nicole, Cambelle knows how to nurse her baby. Jeff quickly summoned her to put her shirt back up and we had a talk with her about what kind of Mommy's nurse their babies. It was interesting. I never thought I'd have a talk with an-almost-three-year-old about breastfeeding. And the adventures begin. 


  1. HAHAHA! So funny! I don't even know what to say.

  2. I'm speechless too. Not sure if I should laugh or not. I dread any conversation about private parts.

  3. bwah-ha-ha! i love it. my middle child (boy!) went through that stage when his little sister was born. it was not nearly as funny....

  4. Love the story...laughing hysterically. It all makes sense to her. Wait until the questions come about where the baby actually comes out of and then the request to see where.
