May 7, 2009

it's potty time.

Today, Cambelle went pee pee in the potty without even me telling her to go. She ran in, I checked on her and she was pee peeing away. So, it think we're getting there. She's been wearing panties since Monday with the exception of going out, nap time and bedtime. I'm hoping we can get this under control before we leave for OBX in 4 weeks. I'd rather pack diapers for one child then two. Plus, I don't want Cambelle to be kicked out of preschool because she can't use the ladies room. That's not till September, but you know how time flies. And, while I write this, Chloe has something gross in her mouth - are you ready for this one? The cover on the bottom on the toilet's base. It covers the screws and comes off easily... hence, Chloe now inhaling it. And, it's not the first time she's done this.. she's already gotten to it earlier today! Hey, I have to say though, she's never been sick! With all this potty talk I better go change Chloe's diaper... she stinks. 


  1. Yeah!!! Go Cambelle!

  2. That's gross Chloe! Good job Cambelle!

  3. i am so jealous! i think ben would sit in a poopy diaper allllll day long if i allowed it. he's too busy running all over the place to care if he's got a full diaper.

  4. Buster always takes those things off of our toilets and chews on them.
