May 26, 2009

18 months.

Chloe had her 18 month well check up appointment this morning. And, after her feverish weekend I was looking forward to talking to the doctor about it. Even though, she hasn't had a fever since Sunday, I still like to tell the doctor everything about our children. I mean everything... I could stay in there all day long. Like, today, I was telling her about how I thought the girls were hating each other and then one day I felt the love between the two and it's been wonderful. And how I think Chloe has a cyst on the neck because I feel this marble-like ball every time she turns her head a certain way or chews... yeah, I'm pretty sure our doctor runs when she sees me, but she's stuck with me because I love her so. 

When the nurse came in and told me to undress Chloe so she can do her "check up" things, I noticed Chloe had a rash on her chest and a little on her back... well, it turns out that she has Roseola. I was stunned... but she told me it's pretty common and there's nothing I can do about it. She won't be surprised if Cambelle ends up with it soon. But, it's just a high fever for a couple of days and then a rash forms and it should be gone within 24 hours. 

So here are Chloe's stats:
Weight: 24.6 lbs. - 50th percentile
Height: 31 3/4 inches - 50th percentile
Head circumference: 45 1/2 centimeters - 25th percentile

And, I've finally made her list of words: Mama! Yay, holla to me. The Mama.   

PS. The doctor thinks the cyst on Chloe's head is a scull tag! WHAT? I've never heard of it... but I have to monitor it if it gets bigger. Lucky me. 

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