May 26, 2009


As I type this it's 7:24PM, Tuesday night and the girls are in bed... well, Chloe is, Cambelle fell asleep on the couch while I was putting Chloe down. This is a first for her. She never falls asleep on the couch. I've never seen her so exhausted before. But, with a pediatrician appointment in the morning, no nap, playing hour after hour after hour, and dinner at Chick-fil-A, she was ready for bed at 6PM. Now, that she's on the couch sleeping, I don't know what to do with her... I guess I'll decide after I write this post. (side note - Jeff is golfing, so he's not home yet)

Ok, so here goes my totally random post about our weekend. I guess it's not so random if it's about our weekend... but I can't even concentrate because I'm trying to watch the Phillies and According to Jim and I can't get Jon and Kate out of my head. Sick? Yes, I know!

Friday, the girls thought it would be fun to pull up this table that I have and eat lunch on it. As you can see by Cambelle's expression there was something on TV that was totally awesome. Chloe didn't want a lunch she just wanted to munch on cheese quakes... the usual. 

And, this is how our weekend started. Chloe woke up with a fever and it pretty much stayed that way till Sunday. Once I gave her Tylenol it would go away but come right back... I found her like this laying on Jeff.... she was awake, I took this picture in between really long blinks - more on her later. 

Saturday afternoon we went to my aunt and uncle's house for a Memorial Day picnic. Their pool was open and we forgot their bathing suits so we let the kids sit on the edge and splash... I know, we are awesome parents. The girls started off in their dresses but sitting around a pool they were bound to get soaked, which they did so it was easier for us to undress them. Here are Cambelle and Derek enjoying a cupcake - shirtless. 

Then there was Chloe who still wasn't feeling well, so we ended up leaving the party early. She was burning up and ended up having a high fever... poor thing. 

Sunday morning Chloe woke up with no fever and seemed like herself, but once we got to church, she was very clingy so she stayed with me while Cambelle went to play with the kids. After church, Cambelle told me that she was waiting for Chloe and missed her... she also told me she was looking for me but couldn't find me. I was surprised she missed Chloe and it melted my heart. 

That night we had dinner with friends and had a fire on our new patio. Here's Jeff loading up the pit with some wood. 

Cambelle stayed up with us for a bit enjoying the nice weather and getting warm by the fire. 

The finished product.

After all the yard work we did on Monday we were ready to party some more. It was my brother's birthday and my family came over to celebrate...

Then, we went frog-hunting and my brother, Derek, found this huge one. Usually, the ones we find are a little smaller, but this one made the kids jump. Chloe LOVES frogs. She gets so excited and even yells and points at them. She would love to hold them, but I know she'd squeeze it till it was dead, just like she did to the poor little worm she found on the sidewalk... 

Phew! I'm tired and I need to get this little girl to bed before she wakes up and stays up till 1am...

We had a great weekend, we hope everyone did too... HELLO SUMMER!!!!


  1. The patio looks awesome! Poor Chloe, I hope she is feeling better.

  2. Roseola...I should have known! At least once the rash is there, it's pretty much gone.

  3. Thanks for a great dinner on the "official" Memorial Day.. It was delicious and Dad and I appreciate it.. Love, Mum and Darryl was happy to see the Cookie Cake come home with us!!!!

  4. your patio looks great!! it's such a great space for entertaining! can't wait to be invited to a botbyl party;o) on a side nephew just went to the dr. this weekend with roseola and he's 4! i thought mostly only babies got it!
