April 2, 2009

this week.

Here are a couple of things that happened this week in the Botbyl house: 

1. Chloe got cuter. Can you believe it? She got cuter but she gets into more trouble then the average child. She runs, not walks, around the house and moves from one activity to the other in 2.2 seconds. Her new thing is to touch the TV "stuff" and fast forward and rewind the show they are watching. 

2. I can now put pony tails in Chloe's hair, but I have to do it on the move... that's why they are croaked.. I'm trying my best! (Even in the picture she's running from me).

3. The girls really enjoy picking up "things" at the park.. on this particular day, it was goose dropping... I was totally mortified. I had to spray Lysol all over them when we got into the car. 

4. I made them stand with me for a picture, which is a rare occurrence, why is that?

5. Then, I completely lost my mind, and gave the girls chocolate filled cupcakes. I have no idea what I was thinking. It took me a total of 24 minutes to clean up the girls and the floor. Chloe is in the stage of throwing her food when she's done. So, here she is throwing cupcake all over the kitchen. My favorite is when she throws cheese and it sticks to the wall behind her... awesome!

1 comment:

  1. Chloe did get cuter. I LOVE her pigtails so much! Yummy, goose poop!
