April 8, 2009

blood work (again)

I took Cambelle to get her blood work done today. In six days Cambelle will be going back to Jefferson to get an endoscopy done. I was dreading getting this done since Jeff had a really important meeting that he couldn't come with me and I had Chloe to tend to. I wanted to get there early because LabCorp closes at 4, I know I'd never make it after naps... So, I recruited my dad, who also had to get blood drawn. This visit was nothing like the last visit. The girls ran around the waiting room like it was a track. They were so loud that one of the nurses came out and told me to "try" to keep the girls quiet. Honestly, I know she's trying to do her job but really, am I supposed to keep two little girls quiet in a 4 by 4? AND, she acted like there's never been children in the waiting room before. It was packed and we waited 45 minutes, but all in all, the girls did great and Chloe even threw her lollipop in a fake tree and I never found it... So take that LabCorp!

I tend to tell the girls about the days ahead, I tell them where we are going, who will be there and what we'll be doing, etc. Which can hurt ya in the end. Because I had no idea how to set this up. So, when Cambelle woke up I told her we had to go see the blood doctor with Poppy, because her belly doctor needed blood. When she heard the word "blood" for the second time, she wasn't a happy little girl. But, I kept reassuring her that it was going to be quick and that we can go to McDonald's and get a milkshake. She then turned her frown upside down and we (I) marched into LabCorp with confidence. 

After about 45 minutes, we were called and she knew... without going into too much detail... she cried, cried, screamed, kicked, called out for Poppy, and after the second try in the other arm, the nurses were done. She hopped down, got her stickers and ran like the wind. I was pretty upset with the nurses. They tried to stick her in her left arm, and Cambelle moved a little, like who wouldn't? And, they couldn't get the vein and then blamed it on me and THEN showed me how I should hold her... UGH! 

Cambelle then held her arms crossed for the rest of the day. I had to hold her down to take the bandages off, because she would have gone days with them on. She hates band-aids or anything stuck to her skin. 

Phew! It was an exhausting morning. Jeff and I are really anxious about next Tuesday and we pray things go well and that her appointment is early in the morning since she has to fast. 

Please pray for Cambelle. We know God has His hands wrapped around her and we know he'll hold her tight next Tuesday!

(the picture above is Cambelle cuddled up on the couch watching Toy Story, she didn't want to play when she got home)


  1. we are praying for little cambelle and know that God is in control of all of this. we are also praying for peace and comfort for you and jeff as you go through the weekend and the weeks ahead:o) xoxox

  2. That makes me so sad. We'll be praying for her!
