July 16, 2008

Today was the day.

Jeff and I decided today would be the day and take Cambelle to get her blood work done. I've been such a procrastinator and every time I take Cambelle to the pediatricians they ask if I've gotten it done. I reply nicely and say, "no!" I explain to them that Cambelle won't sit still for ear cleaning, boogie cleaning, lotion lathering, diaper changing, and anything else that has her sitting for more then two minutes. This is also the reason why I haven't changed her earrings that she's had since she was 6 months old.

So, I went equipped going to LabCorp with her blankie, lillipops, and of course Jeff. Usually she senses these kinds of things, like we could be in the car on the way to the doctors and she knows before I even get into the parking lot. But, today, she was calm as we walked into a scary lab room, and even stayed calm sitting on my lap while a nice nurse wrapped her arm in the blue rubber band. And, then.... she freaked! Thank goodness they found her vein right away! She was a tropper through the whole thing. I think they took 2 vials of blood and it was over within 30 seconds.

The results will go to our pediatricians. They are looking to see if she's anemic, has a thyroid problem or any other abnormalities. I'm expecting something to show up. Please pray if something does, it's not too serious and something we can fix. Cambelle has her nutrition appointment, at CHOP, next Thursday, so we'll see if the blood work came back normal, then why is she not gaining weight.

After an exhausting morning, she was back in the pool splashing around. As you can see in the picture she received a cool red crayon band-aid and a sticker that said, "I had my lab test." Which, to me, really doesn't make sense... but she liked it!

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