July 16, 2008

Now I need sleep.

I posted a while back about Chloe still waking up at night, and it really didn't bother me because I enjoyed the quite time. I still do. But, now I'm tired. Please, please, please, let it be teeth. I hope this isn't a new thing going on with her. Thirty minute nap this morning, two hours in the afternoon, but that consisted on me basically sleeping with her in our bed so we both could get zzz's, and then tonight, it took me 90 minutes to get to go night night. I even did something I never do and never did with Cambelle... after failing at putting Chloe to bed, I brought her downstairs to release some late night energy. She crawled all over the place and then I noticed while crawling she went right up to a sitting position. You Go Girl!

Last night, I think she woke up every hour... I was sleeping standing up next to her crib. And, today, she just seems off. She had a fever this morning and late afternoon...only goes away with Motrin. I'm hoping either a tooth breaks through, or this sleeping pattern changes quickly. But, she's the cutest little chunk to wake up to! I'm in love with her, so whenever she needs me, I'll be there!

1 comment:

  1. my kids (and my mom swears we were the same way) always lost sleep and acted out when we were about to do something new like sit up, walk, potty training, etc. it has proven to be true with weston and ella so far. maybe that's what's up with chloe!
