January 23, 2009

over it...

Well, Cambelle and I were lucky enough to catch the stomach bug. Jeff and I went on a date Wednesday night to Red Lobster, and I felt fine then. We came home and put the girls to bed. I immediately didn't feel right and chalked it up to something I ate. I went right to bed and was sick all night long. Just after 11PM, we heard Cambelle in the monitor and Jeff went to check on her... she was now sick. I felt so bad that I couldn't comfort her and that Jeff had to change her sheets and run her to the bathroom every 15 minutes. Jeff was a trooper and not once complained. 

So, it wasn't something I ate, it was a virus. She was sick most of the night, but I guess kids bounce back quicker, because the next morning she was acting fine, but I felt like I was dying. I'm thankful it didn't last longer and that Jeff and Chloe didn't get it. I'm just feeling 100% today, but I'm still not hungry and very weak. 

This "bug" did spread through the family though, now my dad, brother, and nephew have it. I hope theirs doesn't last too long!


  1. Aw that's awful! Glad you're both feeling better!

  2. I told you it was bad. Thank God though that Cambelle didn't have it longer...that was pretty quick. Glad you're better.

  3. ugh, that stuff is rough, danielle! ella had it last week, but thankfully, no one else in our family got it. i'm counting my blessings and glad you're feeling better:o)
