January 26, 2009

I like to read.

I like to read. period. So, when I come across other blogs, some friends, some not, I find that I'm on the computer far longer then I (and Jeff) wish. I'm just clicking away, reading comments, clicking on their blog, then clicking on their blog followers, and the next thing I know, I'm crying, or laughing, or angry, or inspired... please, tell me I'm not the only one!

I hardly revisit the blog that are a tribute to a lost one, especially a child, because even know their faith is so strong you can feel it through the computer, I take on these people like they're my friends and feel compassion for then, even though I don't know them. Which makes me sad. 

During winter days, I don't need anything extra to make me feel sad or upset... 

So, my friend Stephanie, posted this link on her blog... their story is AMAZING! I don't need to go into detail, you can read it for yourself. But, it's truly amazing! Which lead me to this blog, that I visit daily because her writing is hilarious, her posts are hysterical and for some strange reason, I can relate to her! She posts things I would love to say, but don't! I'm not sure if it's the way she talks (b/c I did go to school down south) or just her innocent humor, but her blog makes my day... just wanted to share!

(If you want an insight of what she's like, check this video out... it's about scarfs. Yes, I said that right. Scarfs. Nothing spectacular but it's great info.) At the end of the video she mentions how every women needs a great pair of jeans (I agree) and mentioned True Religion Jeans. I checked them out and they range from $214 - $340. I mean, come on people... that's a lot for a pair of jeans. I guess it's true what they said.... "everything is bigger in Texas." Even their salaries, because Jeff would have my head if I bought jeans for $300.


  1. That last blog made me laugh out loud, thanks for sharing.

  2. as soon as i pulled your page up, ella said, "it's cambelle and chloe!" she loves looking at pictures of your girls and hearing all about them. maybe one day they'll actually meet.
