January 7, 2009

Excited about the new year.

Last year was a great year, but of course we had our ups and downs. Jeff started his own company, sold our house and moved in with my parents all within the two months. And, to be honest, that's all I think about when I think about 2008. 

But we are ecstatic about 2009. Jeff's company is doing so well, and there are many more projects to come. I'm extremely proud of him. He's accomplished so much and he's not even 30 yet. Well, he'll be 30 on the 17th ;) We are looking for a house and hopefully we'll have our dream home soon... That's all I can think about right now. Getting a home and starting fresh. 

And then there's just watching the girls grow. I'm looking forward to finding a pre-school for Cambelle, continuing gymnastics, finding something extra to do with Chloe one-on-one, and then there's potty training... we're actually working on it right now and Cambelle did go pee pee in the potty once in two days. She hates it when her diaper is dirty and takes her diaper off when she wants it changed. So, we'll see what the next couple of weeks/months bring. 

Jeff and I both turn 30 very soon! The big 3 - 0! I'm looking forward to it... YAY for 30! We are also eating better, losing weight and exercising. I'm doing Pilates, I have a personal trainer and doing an extra exercise class at my gym. I've lost 7 pounds so far. I'm seeing results and can't wait to lose the weight I put on when I was pregnant with Cambelle. 

We have vacations planned, birthdays to celebrate, our 6th wedding anniversary coming up... a lot going on in 2009. It's going to be great! God had blessed us tremendously and I'm working hard to live every day for HIM!

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