January 12, 2009

toys and games.

Cambelle and Chloe received a lot of games from Santa this year and we are all in love with them. He did a great job picking them out ;) 

Cambelle's favorite game right now is Elefun! Picture below. I love it, because it gets us all involved, teaching her colors, counting, sharing, motor skills and patience. Patience with Chloe while all the butterflies are flying in the air. Chloe likes to use a net too and run around to see if she can catch any. She's caught a few, but mostly Cambelle wins. 

Hullabaloo comes second. Again, it teaches colors, animal sounds, and different exercises. I absolutely love this game. I get so into it... it's hilarious. I think on the box it says ages 4 and up, but I think 2 year olds can play it, since Cambelle does a great job with it. 

Sorry, this picture is kinda blurry, but as you can see, Cambelle can't play any game without Chloe jumping in... here she is playing Memory with us. Cambelle does a great job sharing with Chloe but does get a little frustrated at times... hey, she's only two I can't ask for a lot. 

Now, to Chloe's favorite toy. She'll sit on the floor for hours playing with its beads. Pushing them around and around

I love games and puzzles and I'm excited to see the girls really getting into them now. It's a great way to pass time after dinner before bath/bedtime. Plus, it's nice to do something as a family, even if the dishes aren't put away, or the laundry isn't folded, it's nice to sit and enjoy each other. 


  1. Another great game in the Cranium family that we've been playing since Emma's been 2 is Cariboo. Now it's Andrew's game and he always asks to play. We love Hullabaloo too - almost like Twister at times.

  2. ella desperately wants elefun now after seeing cambell play it! thanks a lot!:o)
