November 17, 2008

My Blog.

(Sitting at the computer with sun in my eyes)

All of a sudden this morning, while the girls were playing, and I was on my second cup of coffee, I had this awful guilt feeling about the girls' baby books. (Maybe b/c Chloe will be one next Tuesday). Now, Cambelle's is up to par, except for a couple of minor things; second vacation, 8th tooth being recorded, etc. But, Chloe's has not been touched since she was a couple of days old. I do have all her stats recorded, but nothing important like rolling over, first tooth, sitting up, first Christmas, crawling, walking... UGH!

So, I just broke it open, and thought how in the world am I going to remember what she was like at 3 months, or what her favorite things were at 6 months. I'M AN AWFUL MOTHER!

But, then, it hit me.... THE BLOG, PEOPLE! For all the people who think blogging is an insane activity, I have to agree, but now, I'm not racking my brain to figure out what Chloe did when. I just went back many months, started reading and there it was... all the info I needed. PHEW! 

I'm glad I recorded everything... it just reminds me how much better (is that correct?) I need to be at blogging. 

Now, I'm enjoying filling out their baby books and reminiscing on when Cambelle really had no hair and when Chloe was a chunk. It's amazing how tiny they were... 

Thanks to my blog, I am no longer feeling guilty... 


  1. I'm sharing in your guilt with all three baby books. :<

  2. that's a super cool picture! with your daily blogs, you have nothing to worry about for your girls! they will have plenty to read when they get older:o) remember to print them out!
