November 17, 2008

ready for the cold.

I always get annoyed when I take pictures with my phone and then realize weeks later that I have them. So this is from last Tuesday. My mom was off from work, so we did some errands together. I ordered Chloe's Birthday cake and then went into Haddonfield for lunch. It was a cold day but really nice at the same time. Cambelle was a bit attached to her new jacket, hat, and gloves. This time last year, she wouldn't even come near me if I had her jacket in my hands. She hated hats, and especially anything heavier then a sweatshirt. So, I was surprised to see her embrace her new jacket... And, then watching her run around town, that was the topping on the cake. To see Cambelle so happy to be outside brings happiness to me... it's that simple. 

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