November 13, 2008

fall chores.

My dad, Poppy, recruited the kids to help him with his favorite fall chore... raking leaves. Cambelle loves helping, she helps with clearing the table after dinner, putting clothes in the dryer, vacuuming, cleaning up her toys, you name it, she'll do it. So, I'm not surprised when she picked up the rake and started gathering the leaves. She decided to start on the basketball court, which was easier, but she gave up pretty early

After raking, Cambelle and I tried to find the biggest leaf in the yard, and we only found a few... by the way, I was holding Chloe the entire time I was taking these pictures. Even though she had shoes on and she can walk, she prefers to eat the leaves instead. That's why Chloe is not in any pictures. 

Yesterday's weather was the calm before the storm, since today is awful outside - rainy and windy. Yesterday was beautiful and it was a nice day to get fresh air. I love taking the girls outside, not b/c they force me but b/c it's a good energy releaser. Which nowadays I think Chloe is catching up to Cambelle in the energy department. Chloe's energy level as doubled in the past few months and now with her walking, she's hard to catch and calm down. And, Cambelle knows when it's low-energy time and will chill for a minute. Thank goodness for that. 

Watching Poppy finish up. 

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