September 22, 2008

Isaiah 40:29

Kate Gosselin's devotional for this week came at a time when I definitely needed a lifter, especially today. At 6:32am, this morning, I thought I wasn't going to make it through the day... but somehow God gave me the strength. Knowing I have Him on my side when I feel all alone during the day; with all my frustrations and anger, it makes fill up with hope and love.

I hope you enjoy today's devotional.

(Side note of the day: Today was just one of those days. It's a Monday, the girls woke up too early, I wasn't ready to start the week and naps have been difficult... but I survived).

1 comment:

  1. I was just reading that passage yesterday. I am glad you were encouraged. I love the stairs video. Luke started doing that a couple weeks ago, but he still tries to sit up on the stairs and can fall backwards. So never can I leave his side. Fun times. He is all over the place but I love this age. It is so cute and fun.
