August 1, 2008

update on Cambelle

I've been a little hesitant to write about what's been going on with Cambelle. A lot of thoughts are going through my head and I don't know if I'd be able to get them all out. But, I'll try.

We met with a Dietitian at CHOP, last week, and we were very disappointed with our 1.5 hr long meeting. I don't want to put her down or be mean, but it was a waste of our time. My grandmother could have conducted a better meeting then her (is that mean?) I was a little disappointed with CHOP - you expect to go a hospital (especially one that is ranked #1 in the country), no matter what the reason is, and expect perfection. Here are some things that happened during our wonderful time with our "Registered Dietitian:"

1. Never acknowledged Cambelle or Jeff.
2. Treated me like I didn't have a HS diploma, I may look 12, but I don't act 12!
3. Introduced herself with her first name, not her last... I thought she was the nurse till we were in her "office."
4. Treated me like I was uneducated - asking me if I were overwhelmed and then continued to ask what I feed Cambelle (she was pointing to Cambelle's chart and noted that I had an 8 month old at home) - like I'm too busy to feed my children.
5. Never gave me good advice on how Cambelle can gain weight - just the obvious; Pediasure, extra calories and fat - DUH!
6. Talked about her aching knees.
7. Compared her 2 yr old with Cambelle rather then JUST talking about Cambelle.
8. Spoke and walked like a turtle - extremely slow - and I think she was younger then me.
9. I left there with about 2,000 sheets of paper and two book suggestions. I could have googled, "how to make my child gain weight," and got the same information.
10. And, many more but I'll stop there!!!

Then, we had Cambelle's 2 yr. checkup and she weights 20.8 lbs. I know, I know... extremely tiny. But, I have to confess - she really does eat a lot. The dietitian even stated that. I wrote down everything she ate three days prior and she said the obvious. I'm a little confused, stressed, and upset that Cambelle is smaller then she should be. But, since blood work was done and came back fine, I really don't think anything is wrong. She just doesn't gain weight like others, or like Chloe ;)

Now, we are seeing a GI doctor at Thomas Jefferson University Hospital in Philly on the 15th. They'll do the same thing, order Cambelle to get MORE blood work and see how she eats. After that I'm going to ask the pediatrician for permission to see an allergist. Because I think her eczema and not gaining weight could all be related.

At her check up, Dr. Hung, said that Cambelle is doing great. Her speech is awesome, and she's developing great. So, with that said, I'm a little bit more at peace about things, but still worry that something could be wrong. Just a side note: I looked in my baby book and at 2 yrs old, I was 20 lbs. too. So, it just could be that she's just like me...

1 comment:

  1. If it's any consulation, Emma and Andrew were low weight kids too and they are doing just fine developing otherwise. Emma was 23lbs, 4oz at 2yrs and Andrew was 23lbs, 2oz. Poor Andrew's only in the like the 5th percentile for weight and height. At 9mths he even dipped below the curve. Looks like Cambelle's in great hands with you as her mom looking out for her.
