July 30, 2008

miss independent.

I've been getting yelled out lately - by Miss Cambelle. Last night at dinner I helped her put her hot dog on her fork and she freaked out on me, screaming at me to leave. Then, today, she yelled at me for turning on the water to wash her hands and for getting her swim diaper. So, I guess she's trying to tell me that she wants to do things by herself.

Here she is all proud of herself... I helped her put her bathing suit on. She also has many outfit changes throughout the day. Bathing suit, paint smock, regular clothes, play clothes, nap clothes... too many to count.

We finger painted in the garage... coolest place I could think of. We have lots of shade but it felt cooler in there. I think she enjoyed her art project, she at least let me put on her paint smock. She was quite through the fun activity and once the paper was full we were off to our next adventure.

Her beautiful masterpiece.

One of her favorite things to do by herself is putting on and taking off her Dora sunglasses. You can tell - they're crooked. But, I would never dare and fix them. And, while she was walking around with the sunglasses she was letting everyone know, "These are mine, these are mine!"


  1. I just read your post about changing crib sheets....do you not have one of those crib sheet covers that is really easy to take off and wash and you don't see it from the side of the crib? I've Never changed Jake's crib sheet b/c it's never gotten dirty b/c of the cover...let me know if you want more info. :)

  2. I have a crib sheet cover, but don't I still have to change it the sheet???
