July 30, 2008

my cute little Chloe.

I went a little crazy with the camera... and took some crazy pictures of Chloe. She's been so fun lately. Her favorite thing to do is climb up on me... all the time. I can't even bend down to pick something up and she's full throttle crawling to get me. And, she makes me laugh everyday. Her facial expressions are priceless. She ALWAYS has her tongue sticking out, like it's too big for her mouth. Everything about her is big. Her legs, tongue, appetite and especially her heart. She's a lovey and I can tell she'll be the one people go to, to feel better about themselves. She's loving all the attention she's getting, but prefers it to come from her #1 fan, Cambelle. I know I've mentioned it before, but the love they have for one another keeps growing.

How could you not love this face?


  1. Ur kids are adorable!!! I love reading your blog to see my life 6 months ahead!

  2. She is SO adorable! Both of your girls are the cutest ever.
