July 28, 2008

standing is a problem.

So, all Chloe wants to do is stand, stand, stand.... where ever she goes, she pulls herself up and stands. I'm amazed, just yesterday she figured this out and today she's a standing queen. Which leads me to tonight. We went to Jeff's softball game at 6:30 - very close to bedtime. But, it was playoffs so, I wanted to see him play. We got home around 8:30 - Cambelle went right down after her bath. Chloe also got a bath, but was not ready to go down. Since we didn't have time to lower her crib mattress she was being a dare devil and getting to close for comfort and I thought she was going to fall over. She was WIDE awake. Laughing that she can do something new... I'm too tired at night to fight with her so, I brought her downstairs and there she was crawling, standing, falling, all over again.... After an HOUR of this crazy behavior, she went down - 9:45PM! It must be fun to do something new... but it's interfering with her sleep and my blogging time... how dare she ;)

1 comment:

  1. I am preparing for this stage. I am probably only a month away as Luke is almost 7 months. How fun!!
