June 23, 2008

sleep is totally overrated.

In the last 30 minutes I've been up to Chloe's room five times. She doesn't need a bottle, she just wants my company right? While I was visiting her for the fourth time, as she lays quietly on my chest, I was thinking how much sleep I don't get. Since living with my parents I stay up way past my old bedtime - 10PM, now a days, Dave Letterman is my new best friend (I do think he's cute). Chloe still wakes up two times a night, and I've never been concerned about it. When she wakes up, I rock her back to sleep if she doesn't fall asleep with me patting her butt. No big deal. Honestly, it doesn't bother me. I love those moments when I can hold her tight and listen to her breathe.

I remember when Cambelle was 10 months old. She would wake up once in the middle of the night. She didn't need a bottle, she (like Chloe) just wanted us near. Jeff was in London for a week on business and when he returned he bragged about how well he slept. I shushed him and said it's really no big deal. I've read all the information about sleep tactics and I just got more confused. I agreed to do what ever works for us. And, if that meant Cambelle waking up once or twice, I was OK with it. But, by this point I was pregnant and needed all the sleep I could get. Jeff told me that we needed to change her waking up - I protested her crying it out, or co-sleeping, so if he wanted her to sleep through the night he would have to work at it. Since Jeff is Jeff, and he succeeds at everything, by night 3 she was an expert sleeper and since that day, hasn't woken up since. We put her to bed around 7:30PM and don't hear from her till 7:30 the next morning. She does like to stall the bedtime ritual, but that's it.

So, while I was holding Chloe I wanted to savor every minute with this girl before Jeff gets a hold of her. Even though she woke up five times so far, I love getting up with her in the middle of the night and comforting her. I'm glad I can be her blankie and her lovie. And, I have to say, somehow I find the energy to get up each time and then get up early with the girls and run all day long. Maybe it's talent! God gives me the strength and energy I need each day! I may be twitching and have blurry vision by Friday, but it's totally worth it. With Cambelle turning two, I'm still amazed at how much time flies...


  1. I'm hoping to have the energy to wake up again in the middle of the night....I guess it will feel different when I'm not pregnant anymore...I feel like I will have more stamina. (Hopefully!)

  2. i totally agree with you!! even though i'm tired, i treasure every moment ella wakes up in the middle of the night and i was the same way with weston. mostly they only wake up if they are sick, but it's still my chance alone with them in the quiet of the night to hold them like a baby and pray they never grow up:o) enjoy those sleepless nights, my friend!
