May 14, 2008

finally enjoying the weather.

Last night Jeff and I took the girls to Washington Lake Park. It was the best night so far. There was a little chill in the air, but that's the way I like it. We went on the slides and swings and ran through the park, well, Cambelle ran and we walked behind her.

I took this picture of Chloe and then realized she had spit up on her chin, but I think she'll snack on that for later... j/k

We then, went to see the duckies. Cambelle "QUACKED," the entire way there! It was stinkin' cute. Only one duckie came to see Cambelle and Chloe. I told her the others were already in bed and this one was stalling the process...

He came very close to Cambelle, I was praying it didn't freak out and attack her like the geese will do.

Cambelle had to stop and take break... she ran the entire length of our walk!

Today, Cambelle noticed our shadows and pointed to mine and said, "Mommy!" (This picture was taken last night). I'm amazed at how much she talks and how much she knows. Of course, I think she's smart, but every mother thinks that of her child. But, no matter how smart I think she is, she's the one who teaches me new things each day. I try to see the world through her eyes, and when I do, I'm a new person. I also try my hardest to snap mental pictures so I don't forget these wonderful days.

Her favorite thing to say now is, "No, Mommy, No!" Lucky me!

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