May 12, 2008

closing date/update

This morning at 10am we gave over our house to another couple, who I hope will make just as many memories as we did. I'll miss the girls' playroom, Cambelle's room, the face Cambelle made when we'd pull into our driveway, and many more things. But, there are better things to come. Even though I'll miss that house terribly, we know God has bigger and better things in our future. What He has done in our lives in just the past couple of weeks has been unbelievable... it's just proof that if you give EVERYTHING to Him, He'll make great things happen.

Jeff started his own business and he's become so successful so quickly, it's crazy. He loves his new position and I can see the difference in his attitude since quitting his last job.

Since we backed out of the contract we had on a house, we were nervous that we wouldn't get our deposit back, but we just heard from Ryan Homes and we are getting it all back! Thank goodness! So, here's our plan. Since Jeff started his own business we need to have at least one tax return under our belt (for mortgage purposes) and then we'll start looking to build. Till then we are living with my parents. We are truly excited to see where God will have us in a couple of months. I'm excited to house hunt again and to build again.

Have a great day!

1 comment:

  1. YAY. Oh congratulations, Botbyl family! I'm so happy for you all. What a great way to start the week!
