April 29, 2008

Ms. Independent

Please, please, please don't mind the hair. While eating corn on the cob she decided to rub it all over herself. YUM! My mom bought some corn from the local meat shop and even though it's not "Jersey Corn" we welcomed it with open arms... it was pretty good. I think we are really looking forward to the summer.

Cambelle insisted on having corn on the cob, like she does everything. She's at that age where if she doesn't get what she wants... a toddler tantrum is not far behind. She loves to screech really loud and then stare at me! So, that's what happened before this picture. At first, I wanted to cut the corn off, but my mom just handed it to her and off she went chomping. She did really well and it kept her occupied. At the end of dinner she was the "little old lady" at the table -
last one!

She's become very independent and doesn't want my help with anything. But, when she gets a boo boo, is frightened, or needs a hug and kiss... I'm the one she goes to! And, at bedtime, I'm the one she calls for. Ya, think since I'm with her all day, she'd be tired of me.

Living with my parents has definitely made her speech better. There are tons of people to talk to and many people to teach her new words. Just tonight she said "Poppy, ride pease (please)." She wanted to ride in his car and demanded till he did so.

Not only is she growing into a feisty toddler. She has an awesome personality. She will talk to or play with anyone. She loves people/kids. Where ever we go, she's hugging some stranger - mostly kids. (I know, it sounds strange - but if she's hugging kids her age/size, it's cute). I think she likes to share her love. She's a ball full of energy and can out run me. I know I'm not in shape, but I have to be faster then a 22 month old! I'm happy she's an outgoing child and I'm excited to see her personality grow more.

She's also extremely smart. I know every parent says that... but I've never been a parent to a toddler before. The information she takes in is incredible. She knows many shapes, numbers, and I'm working on colors. If you ask her "How old will she be?" She's answer, "Two." And sticks up one finger... I'm working on that too.

She's a great big sister. As you can tell from this picture she wanted to be a human blanket for Chloe. Chloe didn't mind... she loves when Cambelle gives her attention. My favorite thing Cambelle does is the spontaneous love she gives Chloe. I never prompt her, she does it all on her own. Cambelle will be a great teacher and I don't doubt that the two of them will be close.

Some days I think - I hope I'm doing everything possible to make these two little ladies grow into independent women. I hope I'm teaching them good morals and values and that they become women of faith and know God the way I do!
And, then I think some more - I am doing my best and my girls are extremely amazing and it's a blessing to have them in my life.

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