April 30, 2008

running around.

This morning we ran to the Entenmann's Outlet Store. Where (I think) on Wednesday's all their stuff is half off. Now, on typical says all their stuff is marked down, but today was bigger the discount. I think I got 9-10 things and I paid $11. For those of you who don't know what Entenmann's is - it's just a pastry shop with donuts, crumb cake, apple pies, cookies, etc. Usually at another other grocery store you'd pay close to $4 for one thing, but at this store near us, it's all marked down. There's nothing wrong with the food, don't think I'm feeding my children expired pastries... For example, all their cinnamon buns have icing off the side instead of right on them, or there are a couple cookies in a box with no chips... Hey, if it tastes good I'll eat it. Funny part is, I don't eat them. I get them for the rest of the family.

Which leads me to this story. Every time we go, the lady at the cashier gives Cambelle those 100 calorie pack of chocolate chip cookies. I really wasn't paying attention to her on the way home, because she was quiet and we only live 5 minutes from the store. When we pulled into the driveway this is what I saw (picture above). She had chocolate all over her face. The funniest thing is that she gets it all over her face but no where on her clothes. Good JOB Cambelle!

I wouldn't let her leave the side of the van, just in case she wanted to touch me... I had on a white sweater!!! I know I'm mean.

Auntie Liz and Mr. Ben came to visit today and we walked to the local park. I didn't realize how chilly it was and only had a short sleeve shirt on Chloe (with pants and socks - I'm not that bad). So, Liz had to cover her up and keep her warm like a little old lady.

The kids going in opposite directions. Typical! They like their own space.

I'm squeezing the girls to death. I have to in order to keep Cambelle in the picture. Where's the love?

1 comment:

  1. Your girls are adorable. Cambelle looks just like you. It has been great catching up with you on your blog and you are really good about posting. I am not so good.
